Jan 02, 2016 | Sue Down | 1220 views
Happy new year Hockey families
Greetings hockey families ....
I hope this message finds everyone well and having enjoyed a nice holiday time with family and friends....kudos to our team
for coming back for our final game of the Highway to Heroes tournament
... unfortunately the way the tournement was structured there was no way
we could make the finals but we knocked our opponents out though and
really pulled together as a team for a solid win.... I was very proud of
how each and every player played YELLOW rocks!!!
May God bless you all in 2016 with health, happiness and peace.... Looking forward to getting back to the rink and regular scheduled games and practices (some of our schedule has been posted on the website but for those that haven't checked it out yet here are some IMPORTANT dates and times)
We play tomorrow(Saturday, January 2nd) at 2:30pm in our usual rink.... #2 in Trenton arena... please try to be there no later than 2pm .... also if for some reason your player will be away for a game please try to let the coach know (you can text me too 613-391-1073 and I can pass on the message)
I hope that during your holiday celebrations that you remembered to keep in mind our bottle drive next weekend (Norm will bring his trailer to next week's game Jan. 9th at 4pm if you can bring any that you have accumulated (after our game) .... pick up may be possible if you need it) Also if you want to go ahead and return your empties and just bring the cash donation that would work well too :)
Coach Jim asked me to let you know the dates for our next tournament (the Snowball Express) so we can plan accordingly. It is on March 15&16th for our division.... payment of $600 is due on February 20th .... at this point I am reasonably certain that it will be covered by our fundraising efforts once each player's family has a turn bringing sports drinks and after our bottle drive.... it is important that everyone participates so all can benefit.... By the way ....with regards to sports drinks could those families that volunteered for this week and next please remind me as for some reason I forgot to write it in my book.
Our next couple of weeks' schedule is on the website and hopefully we will have the rest of the season very soon too...
Sat. Jan 2nd 2:30pm vs Tomasso's
Wed. Jan 6th 6:30pm practice
Sat. Jan.9th 4pm vs Spelmer's
Sat. Jan. 16th 1pm vs Remax
See you at the rink tomorrow!!!
Blessings, Sue team manager