Try Outs (Quinte West Minor Hockey Association)

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Quinte West Minor Hockey will be holding open tryouts for all players U10-U16 starting May 4th.  Tryouts for U8MD, U9MD, U18 and U21 will happen in the Falll.

A full tryout schedule is listed under the try out schedule tab.

Please note the information on this page is subject to change without notice so please be sure to check back regularly.

Tryouts remain open for players U14-U16.  Any new player wishing to tryout please contact the appropriate coach for further direction.

General try out details

The try out fee ($120) includes a guaranteed two 1.5hr skates and a try out jersey.  Any try out after this date is by invite only.

Decisions will be made for second entry teams based on the number of residential players registered by April 15th and there is suffucient ice time to support a second team.

Fees must be paid in full before the start of tryouts and can be sent by etransfer to [email protected]  Please include the participants name in the notes and the team they are trying out for.

Any player that is unable to participate in a tryout due to injury must
1) Provide a doctors note to the registrar
2) Register and pay the published try out fee to the association.

No new player may attend a try out after the first two scheduled ice times unless the coach has confirmed attendance with our 1st Vice President. 

Players must be residentially qualified or provide an approved Non Residential Player passport.  Passports are available from your home centre for players in U12(2013) and older and must be presented at the first tryout or emailed to the registrar prior to.  If you are unsure of your residential qualification please ask.

Players must be in good standing with their association and previous team to be eligible to participate in try outs.

Players interested in exercising the reverse NRP option to try out for a base category below A  must fulfill all try out commitments at their home centre.

Players that wish to try out in an older age group must follow the below as published in the QWMHA constitution.

4.1 Representative Team Try-Outs

 If a child would like to play in a higher age division, they must complete and submit this form, 14 days before the first try out.  The player must then register for both tryouts, age appropriate and the older age group. The player must then send the full tryout fee for the first tryout and  additional tryout is 50% of the tryout fee for the second tryout.

4.2 In order for a player to move to a higher division they must meet the following criteria.
1) Defence – Must be evaluated as top defence to the team the player wishes to go to.
2) Forward – Must be evaluated as top two forwards to the team the players wishes to go to.
3) Goalie – Must be the top goalie from the team leaving. - Evaluated as the top goalie in the team they are going to. - Age-appropriate team has to have two qualified rep goalies as determined by a third party evaluator.
4) No player movement will occur if the age-appropriate team does not meet minimum player requirements for that given season. (9 forwards, 6 defence, 2 goalies)
5) Non residential players will not be considered in any player evaluation.

The decision of the evaluation panel is final and is not appealable.