Not Found, News (Quinte West Minor Hockey Association)

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atoMc® Hockey
In keeping with a 40-year heritage, McDonald’s Canada is proud to support minor hockey in communities across the country, by offering young players a unique opportunity to build their sense of teamwork and focus on the joy of playing.
Cheryl Carrier, REALTOR® RE/MAX Quinte Ltd.
Serving Quinte West, Brighton, Colborne, Stirling, Prince Edward County, Belleville, Tweed, Madoc and Marmora Cheryl is consistently a top performing Realtor recognized for her skills and dedication to clients. A proud supporter with in her community.
Scott's Haulage
SCOTT’S HAULAGE: QUINTE WEST SAND, GRAVEL & AGGREGATE A family company, Scott’s Haulage has a long and proud tradition of meeting the aggregate and hauling needs of the Quinte area. And because our materials come from our privately owned pit, you’re assured that all the materials you order, whether it’s topsoil for a new garden or decorative stone for your business’ front lawn, are held to our high standards of quality. In addition to providing you with sand and aggregates for a range of residential, commercial, industrial and municipal applications, we also help with: Ponds Tile beds/septic services Environmental cleanups Demolitions Excavations Snow removal
Tim Hortons
Timbits Sports Bringing communities together one game at a time. At Tim Hortons, we provide opportunities for kids to learn a new sport, play in a league, make new friends, and just be a kid. Timbit Sports supports over 300,000 players across Canada each season.